Sports Hall Dobrepolje is nestled in the serene Slovenian countryside, providing a harmonious environment for both educational and recreational activities. Positioned strategically, the children's playground to the east and the sports hall to the south create a vibrant zone conducive to various sporting events. The design facilitates seamless communication between indoor and outdoor spaces, enhancing the functionality and versatility of the location. The building itself is a model of sustainability and contemporary design, with a facade adorned with patterns that illustrate leaves and the traditional design of a hayrack, reflecting the local cultural heritage. The Sports Hall Dobrepolje stands as a testament to innovative design, combining functionality, sustainability, and cultural sensitivity to create a space that serves the community in multiple dimensions. Project authors: Lidija Dragisic (Studio 360), Breda Bizjak (BB arhitekti), Katja Florjanc, Emir Jelkic, Ajda Vogelnik Saje Client: Municipality of Dobrepolje